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Student Senate: Serving the Covenant Community

Four smiling young women posing together outdoors, with one wearing a name tag indicating student involvement.

Student Senate is a group of student leaders dedicated to building community across Covenant's campus. Their mission statement is to “empower the student body and allocate funds on their behalf through humble servant leadership under full submission to Christ.” Each school year, senators are elected to represent the Covenant community in several main roles. 

Those who are interested in positively impacting campus, representing their peers, and gaining professional experience are well-suited for a role on Student Senate.

Who They Are

There are 15 impactful roles on Student Senate that represent the community. The executive committee, made up of the student body president, student body vice president, treasurer, and communications director, supports the senate administratively. They oversee communication, budgets, and senate meetings, engaging most directly with the entire student body. The multicultural liaison represents international students and prepares activities suited towards the varied cultures represented on campus, while the campus activities board director plans Covenant's biggest annual events, including Kilter and the spring formal. Class and residence hall presidents represent the students in their classes and dorm buildings, voicing student concerns and developing events to unite the community. Every senator is dedicated to meeting the needs of Covenant students.

What They Do

Members of the Student Senate manage several responsibilities in their paid roles. Senators plan events, partner with club leaders, oversee budgeting and communication, and represent the student body to Covenant staff and faculty.

Jacob Lawty '27, 2024-2025 Mac/Rymer residence hall building president, explained that his day-to-day tasks involve coordinating event details, drafting agendas, shopping for events, and attending meetings. His favorite parts of being a residence hall president include facilitating events and building relationships in Mac and on the Senate. Jacob encouraged people to connect with the Senate, stating, “Talking to me or the Senate is a great way to get your concerns and questions heard, because a lot of people in the administration really care and really want to hear from the student body, but there's just a distance there. The Senate is able to bridge the gap.”

How to Get Involved

The Senate wants to hear from students! They can be contacted by email, and every Senator has weekly office hours where you can meet in person. You can also stop by the Senate office, located in the basement of Carter Hall. If you have concerns or questions, Senate members will use their resources to address them.

Kathryn Wood '25, the 2024-2025 student body vice president, encourages students to run for Senate by sharing, “I've seen how impactful it is to be a senator and how much change has come out of positions I've been in. I really think it's a good way that you can positively change campus, and it gives you a platform to use your voice well.” Students who are interested in joining the Student Senate can participate in elections each semester that provide the opportunity to campaign for each role.

Student Senate provides a unique opportunity for student leaders to represent their peers and make a difference in the Covenant community. Whether you become the next president of your dorm or simply attend a Senate-sponsored event, the Student Senate is here to support you as a student of Covenant College.

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